Sunday, November 13, 2005

Still Sick, and now Tom is too

Ugh, I feel so icky! Tom is now sick too. Since we're both pretty much big babies when we're sick it's pretty pathetic at our house right now. We're trying to take care of each other as much as we can, but mostly just whining to each other.

We've got our next Level 2 ultrasound on Tuesday morning. So hopefully we'll get another video. Tom figured out how to transfer the video into a DVD and we've got DVD's to send to all the grandparents. That will be fun for everyone to see! I still haven't figured out how to do a screen capture though. I thought I'd just have to do a printscreen and paste it into paint, but it didn't work. Bummer! Hopefully I'll figure it out soon.

We just found out my godson Colin has type 1 diabetes. It was so scary Friday when he had to go to the hospital! But his mom was great and noticed he wasn't being himself and was too thirsty all the time. I'm just so happy she got him in to see the doctor so fast! He's going to be just fine now. He's going home today and according to his mom he's doing really well with all the shots and stuff. He's a brave sweet little boy and I'm very relieved he's going to be alright.

Liz is doing her first craft show this weekend. Hopefully she sold lots of her flower fairies and got some good experience at the same time. That would be so neat if she can turn her hobby into a side business! You should see her fairies, they're soo cute! I have a few photos here on the web of some of her earliest creations. If you can believe it they're even more detailed and beautiful now!

I think that about covers whatever I can think off. Preggo brain and benadryl are making my thinking all fuzzy. Think I'll go take a nap. Ugh! I hate being sick!!