The vet said the surgery went pretty well, but he did have to suture her patella tendon. He said that was not a normal thing to see with an ACL rupture, and hopefully it will heal up well. I hope so!
I found out yesterday that I'm NOT getting my big ultrasound at my OB appointment on Friday. I'm SURE it was supposed to be that day, but they said I'm not scheduled for that and that we'll make the appt for the big one at Friday's appt. Whatever! It could just be my preggo brain, but I'm pretty darn sure this was supposed to be it! Grrr! Aw well, I've gotten a tape of my level2 and I'll get another level2 on Nov. 15th. I don't think it will be any trouble getting video of that one as well. Then we can get the DVD whenever my OB gets around to doing the big ultrasound. That's 3 movies! AND Tom and I really want to do the 3D/4D ultrasound for our Christmas present to each other. That will be really cool!
We still haven't heard anything more on the house financing stuff. Hopefully we'll hear by the end of this week!
Found a new ticker. Thought it was kind of neat. I've added it to the bottom of the blog. :)

Cool purple caste, Abby! Hope you are feeling better super quickly! xxoo:)
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