For me I mean! Just tonight I was cooking dinner and Nicky was in his seat. I finally realized that while I was singing to him (a variation of my favorite "Mommy is a cannibal" tune) I could actually be using that time to talk about cooking and what I was doing instead. I sing all the time, mostly made up songs, but don't talk much I guess. (Which is kind of funny since anyone who knows me KNOWS I can talk your ear right off.)
So I made an effort to talk about what I was cooking and what all the things on the table were as I made his little burrito. And then he promptly unfolded his burrito and threw all the components in the air.
Well at least the dogs had a nice dinner. After a while I called Daddy in to take Nicky off for a bath and sat my butt down to catch up on some blog reading.
And what did I learn today? I learned about this:

Yep, that's it over on the right side of the blog. It's basically a button that indicates that folks who leave comments on my blog with a link to their blog will get "credit" for having a link to their blog and will therefore be able to increase their pagerank by leaving me comments. Of course icky spammy comments might come along with folks trying to increase their evil spammy sites, but I'll delete those and I'm not too worried about it yet.
But don't worry, if none of that really means anything to you it changes nothing about how my page works, how the comments work and how cute Nicky is so it's no biggie.
But that reminds me! Donna is going to check her camera to see if she has some photos of Nicky's top teeth on there. If so (and if they're not blurry beyond recognition) she's going to email them to me. And then I can put them up here! YAY! I miss having a camera!
Health update:
I'm nearly over my bronchitis. Still coughing some, but not hardly anything compared to how it's been. Tom and Nicky are doing pretty well too. Nicky's still got a runny nose, which is lots of fun. But we're getting lots of nose blowing practice. Although mostly it's me chasing him around grabbing his nose with a kleenex and saying "BLOW!" Lot's of fun.
Thanks for the nice comment! I'm glad you like my site!
I've never heard of the "U comment/I follow" thing before... interesting!
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