This was the start of Nicky's tractor ride with his cousin Tyler and Grandpa in GA. Dad's foot slipped off the brake and they started to slide backwards, scared Grandpa pretty good I think.
Don't you think my laugh hid my fright well? They had a lot of fun riding in the tractor and Tyler was a good big cousin holding on to Nicky to keep him safe and happy.
I think Nicky's favorite thing though, was feeding the baby chickens each day:

He can't wait to go back up north to "see Aunt Jessie!"

Here he and Aunt Jessie were looking over Amicalola Falls. It's just gorgeous up there! Check out the view from the top:

Great pics and movies, Angie!
I can see that Georgia's scenic beauty and visiting family fun were a great combo for you'll's vacation.
Looking forward to yours and Nicky's visit---we don't have chickens or a cool tractor but we do have a creative spirit for adventuring. Looks like I better fine some cardboard boxes to fashion into robots, transformers and play huts.:)
Love you Bunches and bunches! xxxoooMom/Grammie :)
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