Thursday, February 09, 2006

BPP & the diabetic counselor

Yesterday Tom and I went to have our 2nd BPP done. It was back to the technician that hurts, darn it. She sure likes to push hard! This was the same tech we had for the "big ultrasound" who really got crappy pictures. This time it was a better machine, but still the images weren't nearly as clear as last week. Interesting...

But we did get two pictures! One is a profile shot and the other is a footie. I'll have to scan them in at home and then bring them to work to link up. I miss having the internet!! Tom and I are going to see if we can get dial-up set up this weekend. I never thought I would so look forward to getting dial-up!! It's going to be torture, but not as much as having NO internet is torture!!

So Nicky did fine on his BPP though. The tech said they only do measurements and weight estimates every third visit so we don't know how much he's grown since last week. I guess our next weight estimate will come on February 22nd. He'll probably weigh 8 pounds by then! I really might go into labor at the shower after all! Yikes!

He was head down and head turned to my right on the ultrasound. He has plenty of amniotic fluid and is practicing his breathing just fine.

After the BPP, Tom and I walked over to the diabetic counselor's office. She was nice and everything, but this meal plan thing is hard!! Yesterday at dinner I was sooo hungry and tired by the time I got home and Tom was cooking dinner and I was desperately trying to figure out what I could eat. I ended up talking to my sister-in-law who called and had her go on the internet for me to figure out how much sweet potato is one starch exchange. (1/3 cup if you're interested.) Turns out I didn't end up having that anyway in the end. But what a pain! Another reason I just have to get the internet!

So mostly I'm watching carbs. A lot like the atkins diet was really. Actually I'm going to try to find my old atkins diet carb counter book. I'm sure it's in a box or a shelf over in the old house somewhere. So far my blood sugars have been pretty good I think. Not as low as they want, but better than they were. I kind of like the glucose monitoring part. I just hate not knowing what I can eat!

In any case, watch for an update this weekend if we get internet! That will be my first online job!


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about not knowing what you can eat. I don't know what has been making my rosacea flare up really bad this week, probably getting to much sun over the weekend, but I'm afraid that eating the wrong foods will make it worse. And I'm not really sure what my trigger foods are yet. So I'm not eating any sugar or wheat and cutting way back on dairy also. Once you take those away, what's left? Not much. I miss you! I'm going to be in the Sebring Art show this saturday, wish me luck!
Aunt Liz