Saturday, August 13, 2005

And now the FLU?!

Well this is a fine howdy do! Tom took his first blood pressure pill last night and then this morning I couldn't wake him up! He was so lethargic it was kind of scary. I ended up working from home so that I could take care of him, and he did manage to get into the shower at 9am, but then still was nearly incoherent so went back to bed. I just kept checking on him. Tom's dad stopped by for a nice lunch and Tom was up for that around 1:00 but then by about 3:00 he's been in bed except for a few minutes when he came out, ate some dry cereal and gatorade, and then went back to bed.

I went in the room to read in bed around 9pm and he was pretty warm so I took his temp and voila! He's got a temp of 100.23 (I used the basal thermometer on him). So I gave him asprin and now his fever has broken and he's sleeping. Guess I'll be having to take care of me for a while. Of course I immediately felt like I was fuzzy-headed and headachy as soon as I saw that temp, but I checked and I'm a 98.68 so I should be ok. I took some Tylenol for the headache, but I'm determined NOT to get sick! I can't very well move out for a week though, so I'll just have to be careful and wash my hands a lot. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, I think we'll hold off on this new blood pressure medicine until Tom's over this bug. I'm still not sure it didn't somehow lower his resistance or set this thing off somehow. I don't think it will hurt to wait a few days and check with his doctor before we try that again.


Anonymous said...

Angie, Listen to me please. All you have to do is think positively and wash your hands. Make sure you are getting sleep and eating and drinking properly and you can avoid what Tom has. Mothers and "Mothers to be" have special ammunity against illnesses. I wouldn't take Tylenol or anything without consulting your doctor first. Even Tylenol can be hard on your liver---so be careful.
Please tell Tom I hope he feels better very soon. Love you,xxooMom