Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Happy Memorial Day

So for Memorial Day (well actually the day before on Sunday) we had a great meal over at Dad and JM's house. We had barbeque ribs, brats, corn and salad. Yum! Here's what Nicky thought of it all:

Then after dinner we headed home (next door) and found our power was out. We hung out for a few hours until it was really dark and getting hot. But poor Nicky was too warm:

So we headed back to Dad and JM's for air conditioning and to spend the night. Of course then their power went out after we'd gotten all settled down. But then after a short time it actually came back on, and around midnight or so we went home and went to sleep. That's when this picture was taken:

What an evening! We spent most of Memorial Day just relaxing in the air conditioning after that. You just gotta love AC.