Thursday, October 13, 2005

I Vant to Suck Your Blood!

Well, tomorrow I go for my bloodwork. This is the Quad Screen which is a screen for spina bifida, downs, and some other stuff I can't ever remember. It doesn't give you a definite positive or negative, just tells the baby's odds of having one of these things. A lot of women decide not to have it because it can really stress people out for no reason since so many people get scary results and everything turns out fine.

I decided to go ahead and do it, mostly because I figure I'm a pretty low stress person. (Do I hear laughter in the audience?) And because if there does show up something questionable I'll get to have a really cool Level II ultrasound where they really spend quality time scanning the baby. I've heard these are really detailed, even better than the ones they do in my doctor's office. So I wouldn't mind having one. Then if that turns out questionable still, they offer an amniocentisis. I figure if it gets to that point we'll do the amnio, even though the idea of someone sticking a giant needle in my tummy isn't a happy thought. The incidence of a miscarriage is there, but it's pretty low, and we'd need to know if there was something really wrong. I don't know what we'd do, but we'd need to be prepared in any case.

So, we'll find out,probably in another week what the blood test results are. I'll post 'em here!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good plan.
Hope you all have a nice weekend.