Monday, September 11, 2006

Our baby is 6 months old!

Well depending on how you calculate it. He'll be officially 6 months on 9/17/06, and he was 25 weeks old at his appointment on Friday. He weighed 18 lbs and 6 oz. He's 27 inches tall. His head was 43 cm in diameter if I'm remembering right. That puts him in the 90th percentile for height and weight and 50th percentile for head circumference. He got 4 shots and screamed LOUD! But quieted right down when his daddy picked him up. He also immediately caught Tom's cold that he's had for a week. And seeing him sniffling, sneezing and coughing this weekend was NO fun! The last 2 nights were very hard on him. I called the doctor yesterday and found out that we can give him dimetapp infant drops now. So Tom ran to the drugstore and picked some up. They helped, but he was still having a hard time sleeping. (Possibly a side-effect of the meds too.) Poor baby!

I have a little movie up of him getting his first taste of prunes. They were prunes with apples, so quite yummy and sweet. He liked them. We just tried the gerber peaches yesterday, but they add acid to those like they did the bananas and they taste and smell icky so I threw them out. We'll just have to make peaches fresh like we do his bananas. So until we get new peaches we'll just have to try something else. Hmm, maybe I'll have to stop by the store today.

The big thing going on aside from Nicky is our house-buying adventure. Right now I'm trying to line up homeowners insurance and it's HARD! There are so many companies that won't even write a policy for anywhere in Florida! Grr! We'll see what I can turn up.