Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday night haiku

Sonny's BBQ.
Shopping at Super Walmart.
Classy. We has it.

Our Saturday: 22 words or less

Tom and Nicky went to Lowe's to talk kitchen design.

Angela finished another paper, just in time for Nicky to wake up.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are you laughing yet? Oh, you will be. You WILL be.

Just the other day Tom was teasing me about being a Star Wars geek. (I couldn't help it, can you say "You will be" without repeating yourself using a Yoda voice?) So it just cracked me up seeing this video today.

My sister Jessica cannot STAND Star Wars. I'm not sure, but I think that means she must have been adopted. Anyway, I can completely imagine this being how she'd tell the story of the first Star Wars trilogy.

Thanks to DadCentric for the laugh!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Recession Smession

I read a lot of blogs. Just look to the right and see just SOME of the blogs I have in my feed reader.

But this is the best post I've read in a long time.

I agree with Laurie. I'm opting out of the recession.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday: 22 words or less

Tom and Nicky on roadtrip to Kissimmee. New Handy Manny dvds are coming in handy.


Bought new camera! Pictures coming soon!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How are we? In 22 words or less.

Tom in the backyard with a chainsaw.
Nicky playing out in the sandbox.
Angela writing her stupid dumb paper due Sunday.

Making a "happy face" in the tub.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fuzzy Wuzzy*

What have we been doing that has kept me so busy I can't even update my blog?
Actually pretty much the same stuff that we were doing during my last post. Not a lot happening in Chez Mott these days. Well, actually a LOT happening, just nothing new.

This semester we thought we'd try something different in how we scheduled our classes. I'm taking mine all on Monday night, Tom's taking his on Wednesday night. So Monday from 6-10pm I'm glued to the computer, and then same for Tom on Wednesday. We hope that it will help lessen the disruption of schedules to have just two nights a week where one of us is unavailable, but we'll just have to see. I can tell you that 4 hours in front of a computer AFTER 9 hours in front of a computer at work takes quite the toll on your heiny. (Must get more comfortable chair!)

So weekdays are pretty full with work, classes and homework.

But things got a lot less...hairier...this weekend.


Yeah, that's my baby. With no hair. You could say we were going for the Caillou look, but we're not.

See, Saturday morning Tom decided to shave his head with the clippers. Nick and I found him in the kitchen when he was about halfway through. So we went to watch. Nicky was fascinated with the clippers (Which he calls a ladybug. Anything that vibrates or buzzes is a ladybug.) and wanted to hold them. So after Tom finished his own hair we let Nicky hold the clippers.

Now, I had joked with Tom about how we could shave Nicky's head after he was done, but it was a JOKE. After a few moments of letting Nicky hold the clippers, Tom just couldn't resist and took the clippers...bzzzttt! A swath of Nicky's hair was on the floor. Ack!

Well of course after that you're committed to finishing. Nicky actually stayed still for the whole thing. Quite an improvement over our last scissor-cuts.

Of course you know I took a lock of hair and saved it. I can't help it. He looks so cute, but yet, so different and older. Somehow it just made him seem so much taller. Not really sure how that's possible, but it's true.

After Nicky's impromptu haircut and a shower to get rid of the stray hairs, we took Nicky for a ride in his new wagon. The weather was just gorgeous on Saturday.

He was fully loaded in that wagon too. Check it out:

And a great time was had on our, oh about 10 minute walk.

On Sunday Nicky got to play with a 2 year old girl that was visiting the lady next door. Tom took him over there after Nicky and this girl were talking through our backyard fence. Nicky was pretty close to climbing over the fence to get to her, so Tom figured he'd better just take him over there. I took total advantage of this and got to take a nice long shower all by myself. Bliss!

All in all, a very nice weekend was had. Which is good, because the week is downright crazy round here.

* If you haven't heard that poem, it's one I remember well from my childhood:
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy was he?

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Still here, just busy

Quick post to let you know we're still alive and here. We're back to school and I'm back to work. Tom's applied for a job in the libraries here, so we're facing the possibility of putting Nicky in daycare.

But the thing I really wanted to share was this blog: Cake Wrecks

Seriously. I stumbled on it today at lunch and going back through the last month of posts I am crying from laughing so hard. Probably laughing myself right into an asthma attack. I haven't seen anything that funny in a long time.


PS. New movies were put up over the last few days in case you haven't seen them!