This is pretty much what Nick is allergic to: everything but the kichen sink. And then only if the sink is mold and mildew free!
I met Tom and the kids down at the allergist's office where Nick did his scratch test. Tom ended up taking the girls to brunch while I stayed with Nick for the test itself.
In order to help him stay calm and still I took photos so he could see what was going on back there. Here they are in order:
Before starting:
Labels on:
Pokes in:
Maybe 2-3 minutes in:
5 minutes in:
10 minutes in:
Tonight, all they did was slather him up with some magic cream:
He's allergic to ALL grasses, ALL weeds, most molds/mildews, one of the two dust mites, all trees except one, and cats. His two biggest hives were actually not cats! They were both trees: pecan snd hickory.
Not allergic to:
Tomatoes (We were checking on a suspicion I'd had. That was the extra "T" in the lower left corner.)
The SLIT treatments aren't ready yet, but when they are we will sign him up. It's 100$/month but worth it to help him with all these allergies! This isn't allergy shots, instead they are sub-lingual (under the tongue) drops he does every day. We're very interested because Nick is a little dramatic about needles. (He was so good for the scratch test though!)
So back on the zyrtec and cyproheptad meds, in addition to singulair and qvar. And soon I'll pick up his ADHD med for fall too. Allergies, Asthma and ADHD. Nice alliteration, but a lot of meds.